Register Your Business
We would love for your business or organization to participate in (906) Day! Set your imaginations free, (906) Day is for you and your organization to find fun ways in celebrating the Upper Peninsula.
Many businesses offer a special with $9.06 or 9.06% off and many do giveaways. For organizations, schools, and other organizations you may want to host a cribbage tournament, treat the staff to free pasties for lunch, or take an afternoon filed trip to your favorite Upper Peninsula destination.
One favor we ask participants is to share the Facebook event on social media channels, invite your friends and colleagues, and share our 906 Day graphics on September 6th. Of course, you’re welcome to make your own!
If you have any questions on what and how to participate, please send an email my way, or you can find us at @upsupplyco on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Thanks for being awesome.
– Bugsy
Official Unofficial Ambassador of the Upper Peninsula